Sunday 5 October 2014

Under the Ultimatum

Who can imagine one of the world's safest cities was issued an ultimatum by its ruler? 

Being in Hong Kong last month, I witnessed the brewing of discontentment over Beijing's decision, which overrules Hong Kong's right to exercise universal suffrage in the next chief executive election. I had already been back in Melbourne when the whole thing boiled over. I follow the petition over the internet. Day after day, the strikes in the CBD, tear gas, conflicts and street violence shocked me. It has been a long and exhausting week. Then, an ultimatum came.

As I am writing this post and counting down to the deadline, I am genuinely worried about the safety of the petitioners. We all know very well the authority would resort to force if the students refuse to retreat by Monday morning. "Monday morning, government officials have to  be able to return to the  headquarter and restore their function," said the ruler.

Theme songs are wonderful things; they bind a chain of actions together. Here is the theme song for what has been happening in Hong Kong over the last week. We are yet to know what's going to happen next. While the ultimatum is still in effect, let me purloin this English teaching blog of mine to publicise the song. All for my love to my hometown.



靜坐人海 你我非不怕會畏懼這樣下去怎辦但是人生 到了這一晚更怕未表白內心呼喊

站在前方 勇氣驅不散卻信越怕命運更黯淡但是誰想 要看穿荒誕卻會在催淚下睜開眼 一起舉傘 一起的撐一起儘管不安卻不孤單 對嗎一起舉傘 舉起手撐一起為應得的放膽爭取 怕嗎任暴雨下 志向未倒下雨傘是一朵朵的花不枯也不散

為著明天 要記得今晚你我用鎮定面對憂患若是人生 錯過這一晚 怕再沒機會任意呼喊

To the selfless contributors who stood bare in the rain except for their umbrellas, all those who have contributed to the fate of our city, those young people who risk their future willingly and all those who make Hong Kong more beautiful that night, or at countless nights. You are not alone.

Hold up Your Umbrella

Sittin’ in this sea of crowd, it’s not that we’re unafraid,
Afraid of what’ll happen if we carry on like this
But to live until tonight
I’m more afraid if my cry will be unheard
Standing at the front, courage can’t be dispersed
For fear will only diminish life. Who is willing to see through the absurd?
And who – through the smoke of tears – is willing to keep her eyes open?
Together, let’s hold up our umbrellas
Together, we may be uneasy, but we cannot be alone, right?
Hold up our umbrellas, hold up our hands, holding on
Together, we’ll be brave, fight for what’s ours, right?
Let the brutal rain fall, our spirit has not flailed
Each umbrella blooms like flower
They don’t wilt, they don’t disperse
For the sake of tomorrow, remember tonight
We calmly face our worries
If you miss tonight
You may never have the chance to cry out freely again

Note: This is an unofficial English translation of the lyrics. I edited it a bit.

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